Wednesday, November 01, 2006


"Swab the deck ya lilly-livered scallywag! Hoist the mainsail or it'll be to Davey Jones locker for ye! It be time to seek out me buried treasure!"

Katie has taken a keen interest in playing 'pirates' lately. I'm not quite sure why. I think it started after I saw Pirates of the Carribean II and then I started talking like a pirate one night. The next thing I know, all Katie wants to do is play pirates all the time. So we decided to go full-bore the other night with hats and swords and the whole shebang. We even made a couch-cushion ship, a treasure map, and gold-lego treasure. There were sharks, and cannons, and much sailing of the high seas. Of course somehow Ariel found her way into the fantasy as well...

Much of the time when we are playing pirates, Katie and I make hooks with our fingers, wincey-faces, and take turns saying "Arrrr!'. (See picture)

Katie: "Arrrr!"

Steve: "Arrrrrr!"

Katie: "We're good pirates though, OK daddy?

Steve: "Arrrrrrrrrrr!"

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