Friday, November 10, 2006

Super Fort

(The above picture was taken in the dark with the night-setting on the camera, hence the ghosting and light streaks. I'm trying to learn how to do cooler things with the camera, it has lots of interesting features and I feel like there is a lot to learn int he creative area of digitial photography.)

We had quite an exciting night tonight as compared to our usual routine. Jennifer and the kids decided to turn the living room into a fort -- complete with pop-up house, catipillar tunnel, and other neat climb-under things. In the house were pillows and beds for each of the kids. We got out the flashlights, turned off the house-lights and played and played. We had never really done this at night with K&A before so they were delighted. There was a good amount of singing for some reason as well. Andy did a very comical rendering of "Itsy bitsy spider" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." Much fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go! Very family thing to do!