Sunday, November 12, 2006

Nature Walk

Well, being in the heart of the subburbs, we dont always have access to the most natural surroundings. However, there are a few trails are suitable nearby where we can see some things other than concrete and lawns. This afternoon we went for a little trek down behind our house. Andy is just getting old enough where he can walk some and Katie is a trailblazer. It was windy and brisk, and we didn't see all that much. Highlights were flowers, dirt and a few bugs and birds. Katie and Andy's favorite was definitely the KitKat Bar we split at the end of the walk. I have a goal to do a lot more camping this year. I took Katie for an overnight last year and I was amazed to find out recently that she remembered just about every detil I could question her about. Hopefully we can get out there a few more times this next go around.

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