Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bye Bye

Well, grandma and grandpa have left and headed back to Colorado, and we are back to just the four of us. We miss you guys already! Grandma and grandpa bring many great things when they visit and we will have to go though some withdrawls as we adjust to thier absence.

Special things we will miss:

- Andy's bedtime buddy.

- Carmel apples, donught holes and special sweets.

- Starbuck's Morning Mochas.

- And of course, the mountains of help around the house and with the kids.

Thanks guys for the great visit, hope you had a safe trip and we will see you soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your message was very much appreciated, but then so was our visit, appreciated by us. Thanks for having us! Our two CA grandchildren are deeply loved by us both.