Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Lights, Camera, Action!

So our little Katie has had her first major acting debut in La Jolla this week with back-to-back performances in 2 different shows. On Tuesday she played a "Lady who buys shoes" in her acting workshop class at the La Jolla YMCA. And on Wednesday, she sang in her Preschool Thanksgiving Paegent. She seems to ham it up with much glee. During her performance as the Shoe-Lady, daddy was front and center with the camera, snapping photos like a shutter-bug. Katie actually noticed this during her scene, and instead of continuing with her part, she stopped and began to strike multiple dramatic model poses with large smiles. This set the audience into a roar as the room stopped to give Katie the spotlight (even though she had a rather minor part in the show.) Andrew on the other hand, would wait for nice quiet scenes and then bust out laughing at the top of his lungs any time the actors would do anything remotely funny, "HAHAHAHA HA! Funy Da-Dee! HAHAHAHA!"

Oh yes, they were quite distruptively entertaining.


Anonymous said...

Would have loved to see both of those performances - hope lots of pictures are coming through soon.

Anonymous said...

Sounds priceless...did you get a video?