Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I can't sleep...

So tonight Katie was having a hard time going to bed. It's not uncommon that both kids resist bedtime, why sleep when you can play right? Usually we have a routine to help this along. Bedtime stories, milks, etc.

Anyways, I put Katie down to bed, tucked her in, started her music, and bid her goodnight. Soon after she comes creeping out to the living room...

Katie: "Daddy, I can't sleep."

Steve: "I know Katie, but you have to try, it's past your bedtime."

*Walks katie back to bed and tucks her in*

Katie: "Daaaaaady, I can't try..."

Steve: *Wistfully* "Just close your eyes and picture princesses and castles..."

*Katie closes her eyes tight for a few seconds*

Katie: "All I see is the color black."


Anonymous said...

Help is on the way!

Anonymous said...

Great dialog!