Friday, October 13, 2006

True to Your Tastes

Halloween is getting closer and the kids are certinly becoming more excited with the notion of trick-or-treating and dressing up. With the house decorated form head to toe in pumpkins and ghosts, it's hard to make a turn without being reminded that the best holidy of the year is upon us! I say that because it's a common misonception (I believe) that most people think Christmas or birthdays are the kid's favorites, but when you weigh in the candy and the dressing-up, it seems to me that Halloween seems to usually comes out on top... at least that's what my daughter tells me.

Today Katie was extra good during school. She showed some special-ness as well during somewhat of a sociological experiment (if you ask me) that happened during school snack time. The teachers had 4 kinds of apples (Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, etc.) and each child was asked to taste each of them, and then reply as to wheather they liked them or not. The teachers then created a chart, with "YES" and "NO" under each apple type for each child. When Jennifer picked up Katie form class, the chart was being scrutinized by many of the mothers who were also there picking up thier kids. Every single child had replied "YES" to every kind of apple on the list... it was a huge pages of YESes. Every child except one child of course. You guessd it, Katie had decided that she did not like one type of apple, the Granny Smiths. She made this clear to the teachers. My first response to Jen's recounting of the story was, "Ummm, why is our kid differnt?" -- Jen quickly them pointed out that Katie had spoken up (in front of her peers) and elected to be different, and true to her tastes. She certinly knows what she wants.

After that, Jennifer decided to take Katie to the local deli where they sell quite an impressive array of decorated cookies. You know, the big kind, shaped like animals and so forth. Katie decided she wanted one of the Jack-O-Lantern cookies, completely orange with green frosting on top. She was very speicifc that she wanted one that was smiling.

When they got home (I worked form home today), Katie ran to show me her cookie. She was very proud of it.

Katie: Daddy, look at my Jack-O-Lantern cookie!

Steve: Wow Katie, that thing is awesome!

Katie: I KNOW! I'm going to save it and share it with Andrew when he gets up from his nap!

Steve: That's very nice of you. Why do you want to share it with Andrew?

Katie: Ummm, because he loves cookies *speaking with big eyes*. And I love my brother.

Awwww. Sure enough, as soon as Andy got up, she broke the cookie in half and gave Andy a big peice. He was thrilled and smild-wide as he tried to jam the thing in his mouth.

Katie: *Positioning herself directly in his face* Do you like it Andrew!?! Is't this nice of you?

Steve: You mean isn't that nice of YOU Katie...

Katie: Yes, isn't that nice of YOU Andrew? I love you Andrew. *hug*

Andrew: Ank you Ta-Teee.

Steve: *chuckles*


Anonymous said...

Great story. Thanks for sharing it! You have a sweet little girl.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture too! Classic.

Anonymous said...

Katie is sweeter than any cookie - thats for sure!