Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Drama Queen

So Katie is now in "Theatre Class". As if she needs the training... Anyhow, she has been to about six classes so far. Tonight as we were reading some bedtime stories, she pops up on the bed and bends at the waist, looking at me through her legs and says, "Daddy, what letter am I?" Jen gave me that look of {this is what she learned in class today}

Slightly startled but willing to play the game, I started guessing letters... A, M, O, V, and on and on... After about the 10th guess, Katie started getting slightly frustrated with me. I tried harder but to no avail. Finally, visably flustered, she belts out: "I'm a SQUARE!".

Mmmmkay. That's not fair, that was a trick question. She then proceeded to show me circle, line and triangle. Finally she finished with her grand finalie, the elephant. Complete with trumpet sounds and side-to-side tromping. Good stuff. Coming soon to a theatre near you.

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