Saturday, October 07, 2006

October Sky

Its definitely getting colder -- even by San Diego standards. WIth the change in temperature, we are also seeing a change in the skies. The sun is setting earlier, and clouds are beginning to become more frequent. With the coming of Fall, we find ourselves doing those 'wintery things' that even us Southern California people have to do. The kids are starting to have to wear socks to bed. Extra blankets. Tonight I fear we are actually going to have to turn on the heater for the first time. It kinda sucks, and I find myself already missing the warm weather that we take for granted every day around here.

On the flip side, we have lots of fun coming up... Halloween! Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. The house is decorated from head to toe in pumpkins and ghosts, and the kids are giddy with the promise of trick-or-treating and dressing up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tanya and I are having similar thoughts tonight. Check it out:
