Monday, January 12, 2009

Gone Fishin'

Apparently I'm beginning my black-and-white artistic period. It's January, and I think the spirit of Ansel Adams is haunting my photo editor.

Andy got this neat-o Spiderman fishing rod for Christmas from Nana. Unfortunately, it didn't work when opened. So this weekend I spent some time tinkering with it to try and return it to operating splendor. My first discovery was that I now need some kind of visual enhancement tool to do work on tiny things. I was like, "Man, these guys use really really skinny fishing line!" It didn't take long for me to realize that old-age had insidiously played yet another trick on me... yes yes, I needed my glasses. I had gotten a pair for reading a few years ago, but I have always been able to just squint-it-out when I had too. Not this time. Grrrrr, damn you eyeballs! I was ready to poke them out in the name of insubordination.

Actually it's only one eye that has gone bad, my right one. So after I felt that I had sufficiently reprimanded my eye (and gave it ample time to beg for forgiveness) I resumed my fishing pole repair. I am happy to report that the operation was a success. Apparently the boys over at Spiderman Fihsin Pole headquarters are gettin' a little slack on the QC process. I'll spare you any more of this tedious detail, but it wasn't anything that couldn't be fixed with some sweat, a pair of pliers, and one good eye.

So we tied a little rubber fish to the line and spent the afternoon casting at shadow targets in the back-yard. I was an amazing day here in San Diego. To call it 'clear' would be an insult to Mother Nature. It almost felt like the first day of spring coming in January, and the colors were vivid, the air was warm. The contrast against the gray-ness of the last month motivated us to go up to the top of Mnt. Soledad and take a gander at the 360 degree panorama. Once we had soaked-in all the beauty we could hold, we headed back to the house for some more fishing and other general goofing around.

All-in-all a pretty perfect Saturday.

Sunday, well that was another story...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your a mcguiver just like Dad whocould fix anything. Cheap solution to the glasses thing is buy a dime sore pair of 150 and wear them over your reading glasses whenyou need that extra close up help. What happened Sunday?