One of the struggles with Andy is that he LOVES his naps. Now, please understand that this should not be confused with "Loves to TAKE naps". He hates to take them, but when he decides he wants to sleep... you had better get out of the way, or be ready to deal with the spawn of hell.
Typically, when he is riding in the car in the afternoons, you will sometimes hear, "I'M TIIIIIRED!!!" In a long, whiny, high-pitch tone. This is both a request for permission and a warning. The danger is, that if we let him sleep around 3, he is up till 10 (or later) of course. Sometimes the response is, "OK Andy, go to sleep." which is followed by a smile, closing of eyes, and a curling up in his car-seat.
Sometimes, the answer is, "No, you can't sleep, we're about to have dinner!". WHich is then followed by much crying, and well... you know.
Today Jen did her best, carried him in from the car, there was still some life left in his eyes, but somewhere between the kitchen and the hallway, he zonked out. Jen handed him to me, where I held him by his armpits and dangled him a bit... no response. I then set him down in the position you see here.
We finally dropped him in the bath about 10 minutes later. That was ugly...
You da man, Andrew! I think you are one smart boy. I also think that you feel the love and security of your mom, your dad, and your sis. May peace always be yours little guy.
So cute-steve I use to put you on the jump horse after your lunch in front of the TV. You would jump and fall asleep during that activity and be sound asleep sitting upright on the ride - I have a picture somewhere - then I would carry you to bed. I love his little feet criss crossed. Put jhim in the tub - wow Jen now you have an idea how to wake up Steve on those weekend mornings. You might have to bring the tub to him - time for rubber sheets.
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