Saturday, March 01, 2008


We play charades around here quite regularly. Andy and Katie typically hog the lime-light and will do pretty much anything to stay center stage and do the 'acting' for as long as possible. The other night while we were playing, Andy started doing this on the floor (see picture)...

Andy: "Grrrrrrr, grrrrrrrrr!"

Me & Katie: "Bear? Lion? Tiger? Dragon?...."

Andy: "No, I'm blue and I live under the ocean, and I have a fin on my back..."

Me: "ummm... a shark?"

Andy: (Long pause) "No, keep guessing..."

Katie: "I think he's a shark daddy..."

Me: "Me too... Andy, are you sure you are not a shark?"

Andy: "Nooo.... I'm a Sss- HARK"

Apparently he was trying to change the way you say shark in order to keep us guessing. Nice try buddy.

1 comment:

Momma Sando said...

Steve - go ahead and tell them when I was trying to act out a beautiful jumping thoroughbred filly - you guessed rhino! Good thing I love you unconditionally.! Lots of love and lots of laughs.