Tuesday, December 18, 2007


In the Sandwisch family, we have some traditions. Clearly the longest lasting tradition that I can recall is the annual reading of "The Night Before Christmas" on each Christmas Eve. I have been prepping the kids this year by reading the story each night before bedtime so that we can get in the mood and get some familiarity with the story. We have probably read it 5 times now and I think they already have every line memorized. They especially enjoy this version since it is a Pop-Up book and they excitedly wait for the line-cues, as I have trained them not to do the pop-up pullie things until the corresponding line in the story prompts them to do so. In the end, I think the best thing about this story is they way in which it illustrates Santa, both visually and in the narrative. I can see 'belief' in the kids eyes as I read the parts describing Santa's appearance and how he fills the stockings.

Good pre-game for the big night!


Mike Heldt said...

Is that the book from when we were kids, or did you find a new one. I can't find that pop up one anywhere and it is like $75 on ebay. Who knew it was such a hot commodity?

Rachel said...

We have a cloth copy of the story and there are a few paragraphs that are "wrong" Mike is pretty furious about it. I have to admit, Santa with the pipe kinda makes me cringe.

Sando said...

Mike ~

My mom got us this copy, duplicate of the original ones we had as kids. She would know where... I can look up the publisher for you if you like...