Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Jedi Viking Commando

This is my son. He is a warrior.

Not just any warrior mind you, a rabid Jedi-Viking-Commando warrior. With sharp teeth and a penchant for accidentally spitting while he makes "SHZZZ SHZZZ SHZZZ" laser sounds.

His Armor: Viking Rainment, 100% Poleyester -- $7

His Helmet: World War 2 General Issue Infantry, Reinforced Plastic -- $3

His Weapon: Blue Star Wars Lightsaber, Very Deadly -- $9

Finding him wearing all this and NOTHING else on underneath -- Priceless

There are some things money just can't buy.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely priceless!

Anonymous said...

That warrior's feet are made for sandels.

Mike Heldt said...

That's awesome. But let's answer the important questions.

How many hit points does he have?

He looks like about a level 3?

What magic spells or potions does he possess?


Sando said...

Mike ~

Classic, I love you man.

I would say you are right on, lvl 3, probably 1d6x3 for the Hit Points. The only 'magic' items he possess are apple juice sippies which dont seem to have any real purpose, other than light projectile damage during periods of berserker rage.

Liam and Lucy said...

Very cool but where are the orange crocs?