Saturday, September 16, 2006

Easy Rider

Katie got a new bike for her 4th birthday. All padded up in princess protective pads and a matching helmet, she is ready to tackle the mean streets of San Diego. Her first ride with daddy was a great success... no bruises, no scrapes, just a couple of rather smashed bushes and a tired little 4-year old.


So we went riding this evening (Sunday). The whole family came along for an after dinner cruise around the block. Katie led the way with daddy close by for moral support, while mommy mostly pushed Andy on the trike. Slow at first, but after a while, Katie was starting to become hard to keep up with. You could tell she was getting comfortable because instead of having to remind her how to pedal, I was constantly having to remind her to keep her eyes on the road -- she was constantly turning around and chatting with Jen and Andy instead of watching where she was going. I finally let her run off the side of the sidewalk in order to drive the point home. No damage, but a decent scare. Tough love I tell you, tough love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's a Winner and riding a bike is just another accomplishment.