Sunday, November 23, 2008

Summer 2008 Slideshow

With my new PC, I find it a lot more convenient to blog since we have all the media stuff in one place once again -- so I've been on a tear here, trying to make-up for my weak-sauce posting frequency. Hopefully my small but dedicated readership can keep up!

I made the Summer 08 Slideshow tonight. Watching it, I guess I don't feel too bad about slacking with the posts. We did a LOT over the last few months. I didn't even relize how much less stressful life has been, but I guess it has. Kinda like when you have a cold, and you don't notice when it's finally gone... it's like that.

Enjoy the show.

Summer 2008 Slideshow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the show - those two little cuties sure know how to pose! Steve, the way you hand is at the tide pool is exactly what Dad would do - exactly! Love you all, lots!