Sunday, November 23, 2008

Legos and iPhones

Cool new app on on my iPhone called Voxie lets me do voice recordings. So I got one of Andy today talking about his Legos and why he likes them.

Click here to hear Andy talk about Legos

Along the lines of amazing innovations like Legos... Thos of you who know me, know I'm a gadget guy, but I gotta say, the iPhone is by far the most awesome peice of technology to hit the planet since the PC. It's really amazing to have the Internet at your fingertips wherever you go, and the open source app development is making for some very useful capabilities. I highly recommend it to anyone.

Top things I use my iPhone for other than making phone calls:

Driving Directions - Integrated GPS and Google Maps
Text - Keeping tabs on my homies during a boring meeting
Music - Integrated iPod
Flashslight - iPhone Flashlight works great late at night
Alarm Clock - The Phone is now my default alarm clock, with lots of different preset times
Calculator - I know, I still do some math in Marketing
Email - Both work and home emails (Try to stay away from this as I need to de-tether)

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