Monday, July 21, 2008

Uncontrolable Giggles in the Weee Hours of the Morning

I have a little story to share. I will warn you up-front with a disclaimer that it is one of those stories that is likely not to be nearly as funny for you (the reader) as it was for me. I also warn you that it involves flatulence and two 'men' sleeping together...

OK, with that warning out of the way, here goes:

Two nights ago I was heading to bed. It was very late and I was really tired. Also, it's been pretty stressful around here so I was ready to hit the sack. I went into Andy's room to wake him up and have him go to the bathroom to try and prevent another accident (we have had a little too many lately.) As I woke him up, he asked me to get him a small sip of water, which I did. Jen had been not feeling well and so I deided to sleep with Andy in the guest bedroom.

We started to settle into sleep, we said our 'good-nights'... and then about 10 seconds into the silence, my son makes a sound from his rear-end that was a little like a cross between an elephant and the horn of an 18-wheeler! I mean, it was long, and it was LOUD.

Well, the comedic timing was perfect, and it sent Andy and I both into the giggles. The giggles then progressed into chuckles, and then laughing, and then full-on hysterics. I swear we were both laughing for at least 10 minutes, to the point where Andy told me his face and tummy hurt from all the laughing. Mine did too, really bad. But we couldn't stop. It was one of the best 10 minutes of my life.

I have only had the 'uncontrollable giggles' about 5 or 6 times in my life. Each time it is memorable and euphoric. Reflecting on this, I realize that my body and mind (with all the stress of late) simply needed to unload and laugh. It felt like taking a shower. It was great. I can't speak for Andy's motivations, other than he thinks pretty much anything is funny.

Thank you my son, I can't wait for the next one.


Kathy said...

Great story! "Potty humor" get the biggest laughs in our house too...usually at really inappropriate times.

Anonymous said...

Your recap totally pulled me into the scene and gave me uncontrollable giggles too! Thanks for sharing...

Liam and Lucy said...

Next time, you'll have to introduce him to 'dutch ovens'...

Anonymous said...