Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Crazy Hair Day

Today was crazy hair day at Katie's school (apparently...)

It's been pretty actrion packed over there lately. Yesterday was a special day as well, and all the dads were invited to a special "Dad's Day" session. They told us to bring 'water play clothes'... When you read something like that, you wonder what hey have planned. I was thinking it was going to be some kind of water balloon toss or something... oh no. It was a full blown 5-kiddie-pool + sprinkler water fest! Luckily I wore my trunks. Within seconds I found Katie pulling me into the middle of the fray and I was soaked. Good fun.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun school! Good Daddy! If they have fun Nana day tell Katie I'll come down and go with her.

Rachel said...

I'm glad the involve dads. A lot of times schools shy away from dads out of fear of hurting a kids feelings who may not have one.
