Friday, December 01, 2006


Well, today marks a couple of special events around our household. It's Decemeber 1st! That means it's my sister's birthday! Happy B-day sis! Also, being the first day of the last month of the year, means we have crossed the threshold of the official countdown to Christmas! This year is a special year for this, as we are passing on a tradition of the Advent calendar to our kids for the first time. We sat down this evening with both Katie and Andrew and explained to them the concept of the candy-calendar, adn how we use it to count the days to Christmas. They were both tickled by the concept.

Andrew went first and nearly ripped his #1 window clean-off in his over-zealous approach. I think he was thinking it was like unwrapping a present. He immeadiately popped the chocolate in his mouth (without chekcing to see the molded-shape beneath), and drooled as he said loudly; "Trick A Treat!"

Katie was a bit more elegant with hers. She took her time as she sought out the #1 window. She carefully opened the window, admired the fancy chocolate shape before eating it. As soon as she was finished, she exclaimed, "That was FUN! I want to open ANOTHER one!". She was surprisingly supportive of the notion of waiting until the next day, and I think she 'gets' the idea that the fun is that you get to do one a day until Christmas. It's fun to see them enjoy this tradition. Both Jen and I had parents that gave us these calendars when we were kids.

Lights are coming up around the block, and I need to go snap a few shots to show you the high-lights. I have been traveling for my new job already and am very thankful to be home tonight and to have a nice quiet weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy countdown!