Friday, February 03, 2012

Lots of snow and Secondteen

We got ourselves a good-ol-fashioned blizzard today.  I'd say its about a 4 on a scale of 1-10 but it still qualifies.  School is closed.  Kids are home.  Unfortunately I still have to work.

Andy woke me up this morning with this:

*Andy crawls into bed with me*

Andy:  Dad, are you awake?

Me:  Ughhh, what time is it?

Andy:  Mmmmm, abouuuut...  6:29

Me:  Awesome, what's up?

Andy:  I just named a new number!

Me:  Really, what's it called?

Andy:  Secondteen!

Me:  Cool, where does it go, what is it's value?

Andy:  It comes in place of twelve.  And I want to rename eleven to Firstteen too.

Me: Excellent, can I go back to sleep now?

Andy:  OK

While I was unable to really appreciate the value (no pun intended) of these new number names at the time, I think they make a lot of sense now.  I mean, who was the donkey that invented eleven and twelve...? They make no sense when compared to all the other 1s and 2s in the rest of the number system.

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